Becoming a Believer is as simple as repenting of your sin, declaring you want to follow Jesus, and believing He is who He says He is.

Believing is the first step on the greatest journey of your life. You haven’t finished the race- you’ve just gotten started. The best is yet to come!

We have written out a prayer for you below to help you on your first step.


Dear Lord Jesus,

I believe I have sinned and need Your forgiveness. I believe that You died on the cross for my sins and rose from the grave to give me life. I believe You are the only way to God. So now I want to stop disobeying You and start living for You. Please forgive me, change my life and show me how to know You.

In Jesus’ Name.


Congratulations on your decision

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दाऊद र गोल्यत को कहानी सुपरबुक एपिसोड, एउटा महान कदम माथि आधारित छ। यो कहानी एउटा किशोर गोठालो दाऊद को विषयमा हो, जसले दैत्य गोल्यत को सामना गर्छ जो संग इस्राइल का सबै योद्धा डरायेका थिए। अंत मा दाऊदले गोल्यत लाई यो भनेर परास्त गरे, “तँ मकहाँ तरवार, बर्छा र भाला प्रयोग गर्न आइस्। तर म तँ कहाँ इस्राएलका सेनाहरूका परमेश्वर सर्वशक्तिमान परमप्रभुका नाउँ मात्र लिएर आएको छु।”