The grief of a miscarriage and the joy of being a mother

“After my third miscarriage, my mental health was deteriorating.” Lalremtluong Carvallo and her husband longed for a family and were ecstatic when they found out they were expecting. Unfortunately, the first ultrasound scan showed the Lalrem had suffered a miscarriage. Devastatingly, this happened two more times. Though they were crushed, they kept their hopes up.

“I could understand the first and the second miscarriages, but I couldn’t bear the third one. What was wrong with me?” Lalrem remembers wondering this, heartbroken. With each miscarriage, Lalrem felt pieces of herself vanishing, but the hope stayed strong, until the third miscarriage. Even though her husband and mother supported her during this challenging time, she felt alone. To add to her concerns, no doctor could understand the reason for her repeated miscarriages. Not knowing why, just increased her misery. Eventually, Lalrem decided to let go of her own desires and leave it to God.

When Lalrem and her husband moved to Delhi NCR, she visited a doctor who couldn’t figure out the reason for the miscarriages either, but offered to pray for Lalrem. Soon, Lalrem had an army of prayer warriors backing her with support. Her colleagues prayed for her and other couples who desired children. One colleague walked up to Lalrem, placed her hands on Lalrem’s tummy and prayed for a breakthrough. “I felt a warm feeling in my body and a new hope sprung back in me. I knew, then, that God would bless me with a baby,” Lalrem said.

Lalrem found out she was pregnant again. “This time I knew God was in control,” she said reliving the confidence she felt then. The ultrasound scan showed a healthy fetus with a strong heartbeat! Lalrem and her husband could have danced with joy in that moment! They were convinced that the prayers of a healthy child being born were answered this time. The prayers of her family, her colleagues, the doctor and many others were being answered as they watched! Lalrem delivered a healthy baby girl and named her Kim Angel because her face shone so bright the night she was born!

“I learnt that God’s timing for my pregnancy and my baby was perfect!” Lalrem said as she recalled how much she had grown in the time she waited. My husband is much older than me and is always afraid that I want to have affairs with younger partners, although it seems to me that I do not give him reasons to think so. I guess this is because my husband has problems with erection. Two days ago he took his first Cialis pill at That was one of the best nights during the last two years. I am waiting for the next night to check the effect of this drug again. As she recalls being motivated by Isaiah 55:9, Lalrem said, “I’ve learnt that God’s delay is not God’s denial.”

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दाऊद र गोल्यत को कहानी सुपरबुक एपिसोड, एउटा महान कदम माथि आधारित छ। यो कहानी एउटा किशोर गोठालो दाऊद को विषयमा हो, जसले दैत्य गोल्यत को सामना गर्छ जो संग इस्राइल का सबै योद्धा डरायेका थिए। अंत मा दाऊदले गोल्यत लाई यो भनेर परास्त गरे, “तँ मकहाँ तरवार, बर्छा र भाला प्रयोग गर्न आइस्। तर म तँ कहाँ इस्राएलका सेनाहरूका परमेश्वर सर्वशक्तिमान परमप्रभुका नाउँ मात्र लिएर आएको छु।”