
It began with a cry—a sound that shattered the stillness of what should have been their happiest moment. Enosh and Divya had dreamed of this day for months, but instead of cradling their newborn, they watched in horror as doctors rushed their baby away without a word. Their hearts pounded with fear, the joyous anticipation of parenthood suddenly replaced by a terrifying silence. Something was wrong, terribly wrong.

Hours later, the devastating news came: their son, Jonathan, was born with Hirschsprung disease, a rare and life-threatening condition that crippled his large intestine. Surgery was the only way to save him, but there were no guarantees. Enosh was tormented by guilt and doubt—had they done something to anger God? Was this punishment for some unknown fault? Meanwhile, Divya, watching her tiny baby fight for life, could barely hold back her tears. She felt powerless as the machines kept him alive. The pain of seeing her child suffer was unbearable.

One night, overwhelmed, Divya made the difficult decision to leave the hospital, seeking peace in the quiet of her home. There, she fell to her knees and prayed, pouring out her anguish to God. In the midst of her prayer, a calm washed over her—a stillness that replaced her fear. She knew, deep in her heart, that God was in control, even in this storm. With renewed strength, she returned to the hospital, determined to stand by Enosh and their baby.

Enosh, too, sought solace in prayer, and one evening he stumbled upon a verse that struck him deeply—Matthew 18:19-20. It spoke of the power of prayer and agreement, and Enosh took it as a sign from God. Together, he and Divya prayed with unwavering faith, believing that God would heal their son.

Incredibly, over the following weeks, Jonathan began to recover. Day by day, his strength returned until, miraculously, he was completely healed. Enosh and Divya were overwhelmed with joy and gratitude

For Enosh and Divya, this journey wasn’t just about Jonathan’s physical recovery—it was about learning to manage the toll the crisis had taken on their minds. Their faith had helped them through the darkest days, giving them the strength to confront their fears and reclaim their mental well-being. They had found peace not just in their son’s healing, but in the restoration of their own mental health along the way.

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दाऊद र गोल्यत को कहानी सुपरबुक एपिसोड, एउटा महान कदम माथि आधारित छ। यो कहानी एउटा किशोर गोठालो दाऊद को विषयमा हो, जसले दैत्य गोल्यत को सामना गर्छ जो संग इस्राइल का सबै योद्धा डरायेका थिए। अंत मा दाऊदले गोल्यत लाई यो भनेर परास्त गरे, “तँ मकहाँ तरवार, बर्छा र भाला प्रयोग गर्न आइस्। तर म तँ कहाँ इस्राएलका सेनाहरूका परमेश्वर सर्वशक्तिमान परमप्रभुका नाउँ मात्र लिएर आएको छु।”